Pumpkin Carving Tips How to Carve a Pumpkin

Then, scrape the inside of the pumpkin with your spoon to remove any soft tissue and prevent rotting. Now, cut out your design with the knife using an up and down motion along each line you drew. Finally, set a candle or light inside of your carved pumpkin and put the top back on.

You won’t have a lid to fall in as the pumpkin softens. Be sure to consider the ugly, asymmetrical pumpkins, as you can often use their shape as part of your design. Read on to learn more about how to carve a pumpkin and why we carve them in the first place. Pumpkins are not gourds, even though pumpkins and gourds are both used for fall decorating.

This article was co-authored by Amy Guerrero and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Amy Guerrero is an Arts and Crafts Specialist and the Owner of Sunshine Craft Co., a crafting studio based in Phoenix, Arizona. Amy specializes in macrame, DIY crafting, and teaching fiber arts. She offers monthly in-person and online workshops along with having developed a range of DIY craft kits for at-home projects. Amy holds a BS in Industrial Design from Philadelphia University.

Evan and Soria have found that putting jack-o’-lanterns right outside your door can dissuade larger animals from stopping by for a bite. We do not recommend brining pumpkins, spraying them with bleach or, um, coating them in WD-40, as some questionable advisors on the internet might suggest. Any of these options can be harmful to wildlife—not to mention that they are a lot of work for what might still be little or no payoff.

Try cutting a hole in the bottom of the pumpkin instead. That way, you can just set a candle or light on the cut-out base and put the pumpkin on top instead of reaching inside to light it. One option is to go online and find a design idea or stencil for your pumpkin. Pinterest is full of nearly endless ideas for designs, and there are plenty of other websites with KrazyKidz great ideas, too. You can also buy a book of Jack O'Lantern stencils, or simply use tracing paper to trace a design out of one of your child's favorite books and tape it to your pumpkin.

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